Tuesday, June 30, 2009

oh that's gonna hurt tomorrow....

I finally started to see the silver lining in this whole predicament I am in with this whole job search. Today I had my interview with Macy's and it went very well. That is until the end when the woman interviewing me let me know that they did not have any more positions open as of YESTERDAY. I was so bummed especially because I could have had my interview last week but I rescheduled because I already had plans with Riddhi (no worries girlie it was all worth it). So that pretty much made me really upset and frustrated. I seriously sulked in my room with my dog, who isn't supposed to be in the house but I didn't care, all afternoon.
But then Claudia, my personal cheerleader texted me and wanted to know if I still wanted to go to our class today. I was hesitant about it just because of my crappy mood but I decided to go. On the way there I talked to Claudia about what was going on and we decided that we are going to take the rest of the summer and worry about ourselves. We are going to class every single day! I am going to die haha. But I'm glad I have her to go with. So we went to class and it totally kicked my ass. I feel so good, both physically and just generally about myself. I have done so much and have come so far in the improvement of myself, I just can't believe it. I am so proud to say I know myself so much better and I have come to embrace my potential.Plus I am so happy to be dancing again, bloody toes and all!

and now time for frozen yogurt with Claudia

how I love summer :)


The real deal. said...
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The real deal. said...

Becca. Becca. Becca. I'm super sorry! But you know spending the day with me was much better! Grocery shopping, ice cream, cooking spicy pasta, talking awayy, your girls, and my first time experimenting with sushi was all worth is. :] Enjoy your summer to the fullest, love. &I know you're going to kick ass w/ your dance/conditioning class. KEEP IT POPPIN'! :] I love youu. <3