Wednesday, June 17, 2009


So, once again, JUST AS I PREDICTED, my lovely little idiot showed up today. For serious, I love how I know how my life is going to work out just cause it's a pattern that has been going on for about idk, 5 years lol. So he called and we talked about random ish then I told him he should come over and pick up a journal that I have had of his for like years. The other great thing, he doesn't have to call when he is at my door, I just know he's there so I walked to my door and he was there just hitting the door bell. Anywhos, about 20 mins of him and I remember why I don't like him. I really think he acts weird cause I intimidate him. I find it hilarious. Anyways, glad that is dealt with for now it was getting annoying.

So the rest of my day was lovely and productive with my new and clean mind. I filled out an application to work at school over the summer, I really hope that goes through. ::crosses fingers::

So now to look forward to shopping with my mother tomorrow and seeing Riddhi this weeking, pending any last minute changes... and lets face it, with my life, they will probably happen.

I just need to learn to handle my ish and push through it, while doing it in classic rebecca style; smiling and laughing the whole time :)

-Everything <3

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