Tuesday, June 2, 2009

oh this week..

past a few little "speed bumps" I had a lot of fun with some amazing people. Tuesday I finally went up to Oxnard and met my best friend Gardy. Tiffani and I drove up to Thousand Oaks and hung out at The Oaks mall. It's a very pretty mall in which Tiffani and I decided we need to go back because she wants a dress. Silly girl I know. It took us about and hour and a half to get there from West Covina. Probably wouldn't have taken so long if I didn't have to drive to my mom's job and then put gas in her car. After almost killing Tiffani, her words not mine I think I drive just fine, we made it. We walked around the mall for two hours because BFF got stuck in traffic. So then he calls me and says he's there and I instantly get butterflies in my stomach. We start walking back to the center of the mall to meet him when for some reason I decided to look up. And there he was. He was standing there, leaning over the second floor railing with this little smirk on his face. Without thinking I just say...Hi. At this point Tiffani looks up, see's creeper looking down at us and she screams. hahahaha. Oh my cubby. I then yelled at Gardy, "you scared her you big meany." hahaha. After meeting up on the top of the escalator we proceed to leave the mall, which took another fifteen minutes cause Gardy lead us up the stairs then around, then back up before he remembered where he parked. I swear we are exactly the same. We then start our trip up the coast to Santa Barbara. That trip included Gardy being a spazz with the radio, me in aviator sunglasses that I am going to steal from him, and a lot of laughs. Santa Barbara was pretty as you can see in the pictures. Heading back, Gardy almost killed us when he turned onto a one way street in the wrong direction. hahaha. Then we started the drive home and we all decided we wanted to eat at taco bell. So I look it up on my navigator where we end up at "Taco Inn." Then Gardy uses his Iphone and we end up going on this weird trek around Thousand Oaks. We end up at a jack in the box with an ordering kiosk. The funniest thing of the day by far. After sitting and dying of laugher we head back and Tiffani and I head home. I remember sitting in bed that night with a sense of disbelief, "Did that really happen? OMG" It was a great day and I can't wait to do it again, hopefully sooner than later.
The rest of the week had Tiffani and myself hanging out a lot. I love that girl and I am really glad I am getting to spend some time with her. We got A LOT of yogurt which let us see Claudia too. We went to the mall and watched Enchanted. I am so glad I have these girls in my life and now I can't wait to see the rest of them. It's gonna kill me when I have to go back to school in the fall....

1 comment:

Christia S. said...

Omy goshhhh. I loooove how your story of finally meeting - face-to-face - your BFF! [= It makes me smile. [=

PS: I miss youuu. &Tiffani!