Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Rules

The rules of love; it's actually a very confusing subject. Who ever made these rules anyway? I can't call when I want to because it's needy, and I can't be too nice because that makes me too easy. I can't cry when I need to because then I'm too emotional and I can't speak my mind when I'm unhappy because that will scare him away. And don't even think about being mean because that is just not attractive. So I'm supposed to be somewhere between mildly available and too busy to care, but not too nice and sort of a bitch. It's no wonder no one has an honest and strong relationship anymore. Our relationships are based on rules that make us change who we are, so when we do crack (and we do crack) we look like psychos. How am I supposed to grow closer to someone when I can't even be honest? The best part is when you do eventually crack, 80% of the time they sit there and say "Why didn't you say this earlier?" Well I'll tell you why, the rules said I couldn't.
So now to make a decision; should I play the game? I guess I have to.

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