Thursday, October 8, 2009


they are great really
agendas, planners, calendars
keeping everyday tasks neatly marked
color coded- highlighted
making sure every moment of life is
clearly determined
never to mis-plan, overbook
forget an assignment
birthday, day off and holidays

until of course....
your world is turned upside down
suddenly your agenda
marked with lines
crosses or white out
continues for days
of unplanned days
why plan?
does defining something make if more comfortable?
giving a false sense of security
its the same with the days of life
God seems to try to
remind us
to live
or He will make
you live
suddenly blowing your tire
an illness
or a loss
and your planner
agenda, calendar
means nothing
and your left to your own basic emotions
even though your days are
fulls of x's and crossed out words
the days continue to move
with each turn of the page
until once again you return to color coded
packed days to wait
for the next shock

R.I.P. Grandpa Gianni


Brandy said...

I love it, swanie. Very beautifully written *hugs*. Funny thing, I've been feeling compelled to write something of the like (different topic of course) all day.

Christia S. said...

VERY beautifully written, I agree.

It's everything I feel, but everything I'm afraid to see.

I'm here for you babe.