Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Two Steps Forwards....One Step Back.

One step at a time there's no need to rush, it's like learning to fly or falling in love. It's gonna happen when it's supposed to happen That's when we find the reasons why, one step at a time

Step one: first goal accomplished.

So everyone knows that I am on this diet. If I must be honest, I was starting to get a bit frustrated with it. But, I know that if I don't do this now I may never do it. So this week, I went to check my weight and I have lost 10 pounds! Actually its 9.8 but whatever I rounded up so sue me. I am very excited and now I am more confident in going forward with this.

Step two: getting shit done

Ok, if anyone has actually looked at my desk, you would see a bunch of sticky notes. I live off my sticky notes. I even have sticky notes on my desktop. I don't know what it was about this particular week, but I feel like everything just decided to pile up on me. However, I mastered my talent of procrastination and got everything done. I even started working on long term things that I have just been avoiding, like looking up adult confirmation classes. I hope I can keep this up for the next few weeks of school and then finally a vacation!

One step back: you guessed it....he's back
Well kind of. I was so happy that I hadn't talked to him, and it was much easier considering he had a girlfriend. But one day, I think it was Tuesday, I see on fb that he is single. I had a feeling that would happen but of course I just wanted him to be happy and think positively. So when I see he is single I think, I give him 24 hours at the most to talk to me. And sure enough, he messaged me. It was nothing big, but I honestly felt kinda mad after. I wanted to be done so badly. I do miss him, but I know he isn't who he used to be so I am still trying to keep my distance. Maybe one day it will work out, but not now.


Christia S. said...

I'm so proud. I don't think it's a step back... You've grown &learned.


Danemstra said...

now u got me listening to the song!! :)
But Im proud of uuu <3
These steps u take are called LIFE, even if its one step back its part of life. u have to live and learn. Sometimes you can control which direction u step in sometimes you cant, but take it all in stride. One step at a time ♫