Monday, May 31, 2010


Days like this make me wish I could skip back in time just to change some things around. Slip into non-existence for a while. But of course that is not possible so now I just have to deal with the decisions I have made.
This object, this bracelet that meant so much to me is gone. Gone into that non-existence and with it, I feel, this budding relationship. Is it his fault, no. He gave it to me years ago. Was it his fault I lost it,that I grew too attached, that I messed it all up? No,that was on me. Why is it I cannot just let it all go and take that leap, to trust him and forget the past? The past is no longer in existence except in my own mind and in my heart, the most dangerous place for it to be. I know it is not fair, but at the same time I feel as if I need reassurance. I need to see a path, some direction. I need reciprocation instead of feeling as if I on this path solo; just falling into non-existence once again....